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Brian Duffield
Conocido por
Nadie te salvará (2023)
De amor y monstruos (2020)
Espontánea (2020)
Espontánea (2020)
The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020)
Underwater (2020)
Underwater (2020)
The Babysitter (2017)
- | Your Bridesmaid Is a Bitch | Writer | |
- | Vivien Hasn't Been Herself Lately | Writer | |
- | Crumble | Screenplay | |
- | Whalefall | Writer | |
2023 | Nadie te salvará | Writer | |
2023 | La isla Calavera (8 Episodios) | Writer | |
2020 | De amor y monstruos | Screenplay | |
2020 | De amor y monstruos | Story | |
2020 | Espontánea | Adaptation | |
2020 | Espontánea | Screenplay | |
2020 | The Babysitter: Killer Queen | Characters | |
2020 | Underwater | Story | |
2020 | Underwater | Screenplay | |
2017 | The Babysitter | Screenplay | |
2015 | La venganza de Jane | Screenplay | |
2015 | La serie Divergente: Insurgente | Screenplay | |
2014 | Spread of Simian Flu: Before the Dawn of the Apes (Year 1) | Writer |
- | Borderline | Producer | |
- | Crumble | Producer | |
- | Whalefall | Producer | |
2023 | Nadie te salvará | Producer | |
2023 | La isla Calavera (8 Episodios) | Executive Producer | |
2023 | Oso vicioso | Producer | |
2020 | Espontánea | Producer | |
2020 | The Babysitter: Killer Queen | Executive Producer | |
2018 | Good Luck in the Land of Mañana | Executive Producer | |
2017 | The Babysitter | Executive Producer |
- | Whalefall | Director | |
- | Vivien Hasn't Been Herself Lately | Director | |
- | Crumble | Director | |
2023 | Nadie te salvará | Director | |
2020 | Espontánea | Director |
2023 | Creator |
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